Could ‘elderly’ hearing problems be caused by any of the following?

A friend just sent me an article about how many vaccinated elderly patients have developed progressive hearing loss.

I don’t want to accept either of those labels (elderly OR going deaf), so I have come up with fifteen additional reasons. Can you think of others?

  1. Bad cell phone reception (I HATE them)
  2. TV personalities speaking too fast (Do they speed up the tape to fit the time constraint?)
  3. Accents, which are lovely, but are sometimes difficult to understand (multinational stations)
  4. Musical interruptions (Why DO they have to be so loud?)
  5. Words that have recently entered into the language (I don’t understand a lot of current terms and acronyms)
  6. Ambient noise you don’t usually notice until someone starts talking to you
  7. Speaker in room not enunciating properly (I think people have gotten lazy…as they have become slovenly with their manners)
  8. People talking around corners or from a distant room – even facing away can disturb reception
  9. Speaker ‘circling the field’ with their conversation… hard to follow the chain of thought
  10. Bad sound mixes on movies, old and new ones
  11. Talking over one another
  12. Daydreaming or ‘zoning out’
  13. Attending loud concerts when younger
  14. Listening to loud music with earbuds/headphones (Mom warned us!)
  15. Just plain getting older. Gulp.

Frankly, I usually put the Closed Captions on, especially when I’m watching BBC and similar shows. I often wish I could do that in real life when people speak to me (What WAS your name again?), or when I hear something on the car radio that didn’t quite register the first time.

Another great fix would be a sound device that would locate keys, wallet, etc. They probably do have gizmos for that, but sorry, I wasn’t paying attention when I was told where I can get one.

Thank goodness I have another phone (tethered to the wall) which I can use to ring my cell phone when I lose it. It’s often deep in my purse, but without my glasses, I’m not able to see it.

Now, what DID I do with those glasses????

Author: Hillary Volk

I started writing when I was seven, and my ultimate goal was to become a published author. I've partially satisfied this desire by keeping a journal for most of my life. After graduating from Rutgers University, I worked in a large accounting firm as a knowledge manager, which honed my research skills on the newly developing internet. The study of Natural Health and Hygiene has been a passion of mine for over 50 years and I have a particular interest in the connection between behavior and nutrition. This knowledge was immensely helpful during the time I cared for my mother at home until her death in 2016, when I discovered a relationship between ADHD and dementia. I'm currently retired and writing Bread Madness, a book which I hope will help to change our institutionally driven culture into one that is more supportive and compassionate toward the elderly.

2 thoughts on “Could ‘elderly’ hearing problems be caused by any of the following?”

  1. Suffer from all of the above, and have done since before getting vaccinated. As for the term ‘elderly’, I’m ONLY 65 and recently my (Japanese) barber told me I was going grey, so I responded that I was turning silver – the power of words!


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